Lymm Audio Guide

Reddy Lane

Walk 3 . 1:36
M56 Overbridge

A walk along Reddy Lane

Just a little out of Lymm is a lane which takes you deep into the countryside

A pleasant country walk along a sleepy lane that takes you past the John Wesley Memorial, under the M56 Motorway.

Reddy Lane is a rural road along which are some lovely homes.

As you walk along, you’ll see the M56 overbridge in the distance – where you’ll find a memorial to John Wesley.

From 1747, the cleric John Wesley was a regular visitor to this very spot – preaching under an oak tree that was once here.

Long after his death, in 1834 a Chapel – the Booth Bank Methodist Chapel was built here. All that remains today is the original plaque you see (dated 1934) in memory of the Cleric, which was affixed to the outside wall of the chapel.

John Wesley Memorial

Sadly, Booth Bank Methodist Chapel and the Oak tree are no longer, having made way for the construction of the M56 motorway in 1972.

From here, you can continue along the lane (walking past the Children’s Adventure Farm Trust) and further on again to walk parallel to the M56 – or you can take one of the many public rights of way across farmland – or simply retrace your steps.
